Components in a modern application

In this blog today we are going to have a look at the 8 different components that you should consider having when building your modern application

User Interface

This is the visible part of the program that the user will interact with the application

Having an appealing User interface attracts and gives a user the urge to visit the application again

You should consider having a user friendly user interface that is easier to understand by the user and gives an easy time when moving through the application

User Experience

The user experience refers to how the user will interact with the application moving through the different parts of the application making it easier for the user to know the next step to follow when moving through an application.


This is in line with the storing and the fetching of the data

Normally we do use a database to store our data securely where no unauthorized hands can reach

its of great importance to keep your data safe and make it easier to retrieve it when needed at a particular time.


Nowadays integrating third parties to an application has become a common thing

these integrations may include payments, social media, AUTH, security

These integrations aid in making the workflow of the application easier and more faster hence solving problems in a more convenient, faster and easier way.


This refers to how your application will adapt to any future change, be it data, team and even an increase in the traffic.You should make it scalable in order for it to adapt to any future changes since human being are prone to changes and so it applies to technology.Having a scalable application makes it easier to adapt to any change in a component and finding faster solutions incase a problem may arise.


Normally no one would want to interact with a slow application since it consumes a lot of time moving through the different parts.

So is very useful for you to optimize your application for the end user making it faster so as to save the users time.


This refers to where you deploy, store and run your application code

Consider choosing an infrastructure that supports your code language and gives an easier

optimization for your application to run smoothly without any hindrances


This comes hand in hand with routing referring to how users are going to navigate between the different parts of the pages

and the content that you are going to display in the different pages.

Each page should have some content that is directly proportional to the page name or heading giving a user an easier time.

That’s All for today on Components in a modern application read

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