Loops in JavaScript

JavaScript loops

Loops are used to repetitively run a piece of code over and over again without necessarily writing it repeatedly

Loops can execute a certain block of code a number of times.

In programming loops are used to repeat a block of code.

Loops are useful in programming for example when fetching an array of elements from the database

There are five types JavaScript loops

  • for loop
  • while loop
  • do-while loop
  • for-in loop
  • for-of loop

For loop

The for loops runs over a code of a fixed number of times with a known number of iterations

The syntax is

  • initializer – executes once once the loop begins
  • condition – checked before every loop if false loop terminates
  • iterator – execute after the body on each iteration

Example a program to print number one to nine using for loop


while loop

While loop iterates the elements for infinite number of times and the number of iterations is not known



Example program to print numbers one to nine using while loop

i = 1

do .. while loop

It repeats a itself a number of times in a block code just like the while loop, the code is executed at least once whether the condition is true or false


//code body

} while()

Example program to display numbers one to nine using do.. while loop

i = 0


} while(i<9)

for in loop

This loop allows you to repetitively run a code over all property keys of an object


for(key in object){
// code body

Example a program to print numbers one to nine using for in loop

const number = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

for(i in number){

for… of loop

The for .. of loop allows you to repetitively run a block of code over iterable objects

The syntax

for(element of iterable){
// code body

Example program to print numbers one to nine using for… of loop

const number = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

for(i of number){

You can also learn about JavaScript array methods here

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